When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. -Galatians 6:10a (NCV)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Opportunity for Investment

Those of you that have read this blog for the past few years might remember Job. The little boy in Peredo whose family's house burnt down almost 2 years ago. His school clothes and books burned up in the fire so we were looking for someone to help replace them. Several people wanted to help but the first responder won ;)

Job's mother is in Invest Hope's microloan program and is struggling to make her small loan payments. So a couple months ago I visited them in the house they are now living in to talk to her about things.

Their living conditions are bad. I know, I know...lots of people don't have acceptable living conditions in Haiti. But this is bad.

Even for Haiti.

Not to hit you with a big sob story to pull at your heart strings...but this family is living in conditions not fit for a dog. Job has an older brother who is about 10 years old and he has been sick with pneumonia numerous times since they built this shack. It leaks in multiple places when it rains and does not keep mice and other critters out.

Job's mother in front of their current house

We contacted a couple large humanitarian organizations here in Haiti, but because Job's family aren't earthquake victims, they can not help them at this time.

So we are seeing what one small organization (Invest Hope) can do to help Job and his family.

That being said...hint hint...we are SMALL. And we need your help. 

Invest Hope is designed on the principle of helping Haitians help themselves. Teaching them responsibility and self-respect. We also are a Christian organization wants to help out our brothers and sisters in Christ when they are in need.

That being said we are raising money to begin working on their house. They own the piece of land and the father and extended family are going to work on building the house. We would like to hire a Haitian lay contractor to be in charge of the project. We will buy materails and transport them to the site. They live at the top of a mountain so the familiy will be responsible for rallying help to get the supplies to the top (this will be no easy task!) and providing labor for building the house. The contractor will oversee the project on a daily basis to make sure it is being built correctly. Job's father was a mason worker before his tools burnt up in the fire, so he will be a great help to building his own house.

(Invest Hope Board members Jw and Mark visit Job's house in December)

The goal to raise for this project is $1500. If you are interested in donating or have questions about this project, please email me at ginnyandrews@hotmail.com/

Help us to help this family get back on their feet. They were victims of a house fire who where both parents had jobs and the children were in school. They were struggling but making do.

We have a chance to invest in this family and encourage them and help provide them with the basic need of shelter.

Will you invest in Job's family?

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