When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. -Galatians 6:10a (NCV)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Attention Amazon users!

Did you know Invest Hope can earn 0.5% of your purchase from Amazon? Through their program called Amazon Smile, you can sign up and help us earn money for microloans in Haiti at no additional cost to you!

Go to  https://smile.amazon.com/about  For more information.  You do have to start from the page www.smile.amazon.com for us to receive the donation. But Amazon guarantees you will find the SAME products and SAME low prices you find on www.amazon.com. Invest Hope can benefit from this little extra step in your shopping!

Search "Invest Hope" and choose our non profit listed under "Newark, Ohio" location and spread the word around to your friends!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Adoption update

Our family has been celebrating with each other over Skype the past couple days...

Odessa's petition to enter the US as my legally adopted child has been approved! This is what we have been waiting on since October!

There are still some additional housekeeping papers to be completed before her visa is issued...but we are still celebrating! And thankful. Thankful for all your prayers and words of encouragement.  And most importantly, thankful to our God who listens, calms and loves our Odessa more than we ever could.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Water project Finished!

Well...it has been for over a month now. I am so behind in blogging! 

Through a partnership with Hungry for Life Canada, Invest Hope worked with the community of Peredo in providing a water system using a natural spring in the mountains. Local community leaders came to David and I years ago asking for help in accessing clean water. Although we had no idea how to fund the project let alone complete it, God did! And although it took several years to find a partner, it did happen.

The community themselves put in A LOT of sweat equity into this project. My husband, David, managed the project and transported most materials from Jacmel to Peredo (an hours drive on rough terrain). 

Below are some pictures of the project and the Haitians working on a project in their own community that they and their families are now directly benefiting from!

Note: there is one Cistern at the source of the spring, 3 kiosk stations where people bring buckets to fill with clean spring water, 10 direct lines into yards of families.