When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. -Galatians 6:10a (NCV)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The older kids in our "Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow" program continue to work on their Embroidery skills about one Saturday a month. The remaining Saturdays have new projects and lessons.

  Pictured above, Patricia, our Children's Director, is teaching embroidery stitches to a teen.

Surprisingly, the guys are REALLY good at embroidery.  

 I, however, do not have embroidery skills. But I do enjoy working with the younger kids, teaching them bible stories and the lessons that come out of them. And I LOVE the fact that you NEVER know what this age group is going to say so it keeps you on your toes!



This was 2 Saturdays ago when we talked about courage and used the story of Esther as a great example. The kids loved making their own sparkling crowns and then danced and sang songs wearing them.

Your support of Invest Hope goes to help fund this children's group, specifically the craft materials we purchase. Thank you for continuing to support this program.

~The kids really thank you~

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