You're enough
You're enough
You're enough for me!
I love that song by Barlow Girl. It's one of those songs that, if you know it, you can' help but sing along when you hear it. Now that I have Hughes Net again I have access to Pandora radio here in Haiti. So of course I have it on the Natalie Grant station and get pumped up while working in the office.
It's amazing the power music has over my mood. I don't know if you're like that but man I am.
Play a sad, sappy break up song and tears start falling and I am moping around after a relationship that ended 10 years ago!
Whenever I hear a song that was played at my grandma's funeral, I feel that empty hole in my chest all over again.
But play some uplifting, encouraging Christian music and I feel recharged and revived.
So when
You're Enough for Me came on Pandora this evening I was belting it out. (Be glad you are out of earshot.)
I needed to hear it.
I needed to be reminded of my decision of giving my life over to the Lord.
I needed to sing it to Him.
He is enough. I know it. But do I live like it?
This is the hard time of year for me to be on Facebook. Looking at everyone's family vacation's and zoo visits and cook-outs. Seeing the fun your kids are having on their summer vacations. Seeing grandparents making memories and weddings of my friends and family that we am missing. VBS and church camp opportunities.
Life continues to go on back home...without us.
My favorite line of that song is
"You are my reward, worth living for."
This life I live is the one God called me for. And I don't regret choosing to live it for one second. And He is enough for me. He knows my struggles.
So tonight I am closing Facebook.
Signing out.
Not because I think Facebook is bad (it is the only way I keep in touch with many people back home!). But it is sending me a discouraging message right now.
So I turn my head from those thoughts and look to my reward who IS worth living for.
You're enough
You're enough
You're enough for me!
During my Facebook Vacation I can be reached at