The director of Angel Missions, Vanessa, gave me a devotional book about 2 months ago. It is fabulous! It is a 365 day devotion book. They are really short, yet profound. Written from the perspective of God speaking to the reader. Then there are always 2-4 verses for you to look up at the end.
I don't know about you, but I find that I read so fast I don't always retain the information I read. I learned this about myself back in high school. So since then I write out the things that are important to help "write" them in my brain too. I write the verses out in my journal notebook. The time it takes me to write it forces be to really think about what the scripture says.
Then after those scriptures I write out my prayer list. In detail. Not just a name or a need or a brief thank you. I write out my thoughts about it. More like a letter to God than a list. I should call it my prayer letter rather than my list.
Yes it takes me longer this way. But that's a good thing. I got the idea from the book, "The Help." If you haven't read it! I haven't seen the movie yet but I have yet to watch a movie that is better than the book. So even if you've seen the movie, you should read the book.
Aibileen is the main maid in the book and she has a prayer list/journal that she writes in everyday. This gave me the idea and I have been doing it ever since. It helps my mind not to wander during prayer and focus on the conversation I am having.
The following is the yesterday's devotion in the book, "Jesus Calling. A 365 Day Journaling Devotional" by Sarah Young. If you're looking for a good, quick, devotional everyday...this is the one. Here is a link to the app you can get for iPhone or iPad with the daily devotional. And here is the link where you can buy in on And here is the link to buy it for Kindle. Can you tell I really recommend it?
Go gently through this day, keeping your eyes on Me. I will open up the way before you go, as you take steps of trust along your path. Sometimes the way before you appears to be blocked. If you focus on the obstacle or search for a way around it, you will probably go off course. Instead, focus on Me, the Shepherd, who is leading you along your life-journey. Before you know it, the "obstacle" will be behind you and you will hardly know how you passed through it.
That is the secret to success in My kingdom. Although you remain aware of the visible world around you, your primary awareness is of Me. When the road before you looks rocky, you can trust Me to get you through that rough patch. My Presence enables you to face each day with confidence.
John 10:14-15
"I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I give my life for the sheep.
Isaiah 26:7
The path of life is level for those who are right with God;
Lord, you make the way of life smooth for those people.
Lord, you make the way of life smooth for those people.
I know there is controversy about this book. But after rereading the introduction, I see Ms Young is not trying to Speak from God to us. Or add to the Bible. But she is helping me stop and come into the presence of the Lord everyday in the midst of the chaos I live in.
There about 70 people a day looking at this blog. I realize it could be the same people over and over :)
I am always looking for great Christian reads. Especially ones on Kindle since I live in Haiti.
Beth is a follower of my blog and she sent me "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan some months back. FABULOUS BOOK! Here is the link to Beth's blog.
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