I'm begging.
I need help finding Medical care for a 13 year old girl in Haiti. I have posted about her several times here on my blog.
Her name is Nadine. I won't repeat what I have already written. Click here to read previous blog post.
I met Nadine 3 years ago in Peredo. During that time I have tried and tried to get her the help she needs in Haiti. I was unsuccessful getting her a CT scan until now. Now that she has a diagnosis, help is with in reach.
Nadine had a CT scan on the USS Comfort Ship. The CT showed 8-10 large cysts in her abdomen.
We have copies of the CT scan avaliable for doctors who want to consider her case.
Here is the report written by the radiologist on the USS Comfort ship:
Technique: CT of the abdomen and pelvis utilizing oral and IV contrast
This is abnormal study. There are large cystic masses, Hounsfield units of
8-10 that are bilateral and retroperitoneal primarily. They extend around the
kidneys and push bowel anteriorly within the abdomen. Fluid does extend down
into the pelvis and appears free around the rectosigmoid area. No adenopathy
seen. The kidneys do enhance. Enhancement is somewhat patchy which may be
due to the mass effect from this fluid attenuation mass. No other
abnormalities are clearly seen.
Impression: Large fluid containing, cystic mass which is bilateral and
retroperitoneal. Most likely this relates to a benign process. Per
history this is been present since birth. This could be a lymphatic
Often times people tell me how "cool" my job is...helping people in Haiti...living in Haiti. And most days, it is cool. But this is the part that's out of my hands. There is a lady in the states who looks for medical care for the kids Angel Missions is helping.
The hard part is this:
To be elegible for a medical visa in our program, the doctor and hospital have to donate the entire cost of services, materials and hospital stays. 100%. We have to have letters to take to the American Embassy which state all care is free of charge and n medicare/medicaid funds will be used.
This is where you can help. I am Nadine's advocate in Haiti but you can be her advocate in the states. (You would not do any work on this other than the referral. Angel Missions takes care of all paperwork after contact is made) I am really talking to my Nationwide Children's Hospital friends in Ohio. Hint hint. I worked at this hospital for a few years and the general surgery department is amazing. I have seen them help so many children and I believe Nadine is another.
So back to the begging...
Please please please (this is not just geared toward Nationwide Children's Hospital) talk to a surgeon about her-show her pictures, give them the results of the CT. A copy of the actual CT is avaliable. If you know someone who works in a Pediatric Hospital-whatever their job-ask them to check it out for you. Email me at ginnyandrews@hotmail.com.
And most importantly pray-God can open doors we didn't even know existed.
Update 9/27/2011:
Two doctors and a NP in Ohio have agreed to care for Nadine for free! They are putting together a presentation for the hospital to ask them to accept her free of charge. Join us in praying for a positive decision!
Thanks to everyone who wrote and asked doctor's and hospitals in their area. I was so surprised at the responses to help Nadine!
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