A few weeks ago a little baby was brought into the clinic by her mother who said she wasn't eating well. The doctors here quickly noticed that the right side of her face was paralyzed therefore making it difficult for her to eat. I did some teaching with the mother on how to feed her and she was not very patient with her and said it would take too much time to do that and she did not have the time as she had multiple children already. When we unwrapped her from the blanket her little, pencil thin legs did not extend all the way out flat. Her muscles were tight from being wrapped up in a blanket all the time.
Women from the team held the baby and oogled over her. She really is very cute-but very small for her age. She obviously needed someone with time to help her learn to take a bottle. Her mother said she just didn't have the time to do this and asked if someone would take her. I tried to encourage the mother and ask her about family support she had. She insisted she did not want the baby.
I contacted Damou Christian Mission (www.damouhaiti.org) to help get baby girl "beefed up" and learn how to eat. This mission has Haitian nannies who have helped other severely malnourished infants. The mission came out and spoke with the mother and father that day and accepted to take the baby to help her.
This was 3 weeks ago and Baby Girl is now Annabelle and doing very well. She is sucking from a bottle but still takes a long time to eat. She is more alert, looking around, watching the other children play. I took this picture 2 weeks ago when she was sitting in her bouncy chair. A baby who was on the fast track to dying of malnutrition is now thriving.
Who knows that plans God has for her in her future. How exciting to think of what she could do for the Lord one day!
The little girl in the picture is so cute. Her story is so sad...until God stepped in! Who knows where her life will lead her. Thank God for people like you who give of themselves so freely.
Do you have postal service/ UPS delivery yet in your area yet?
Mary Ann
This is such exciting news! Thanks for sharing! I'll pass it along to the team.
How exciting! Thanks for sharing the good news! I'll pass it on to the rest of the team.
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