This is a family I met in the mountains of Peredo while looking for babies and mothers for the nutrition program. I was passing a hut when a man asked me to come and look at his mother who was sick. I did and noticed this little girl sitting propped up by blankets. One of her eyes are crossed and I started asking about her. Her dad said she is year old but doesn't sit or stand or walk yet. Her name is Fondla. I went over and started playing with her and she had the brightest smile. I couldn't help but think that if she was in the states she would have been put in Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy to help her. I could tell she had the potential to learn if helped. I could also see the love this family has for their little girl. I told her family I was going to look into getting her help. I had no idea how-I don't know any Physical or Occupational Therapists in this entire country. But at Nationwide Children's Hospital at home they are everywhere! Sometimes we don't realize how blessed we are to have so many resources in the United States.
I was down at the Texaco gas station in town one morning and saw some people from other mission in town. They were so excited about the new missionary who came to Haiti and promised to work here for 6 years. I asked what she does and they said she is an Occupational Therapist! Wow! Exactly the person Fondla needed. God's perfect timing. I am sure God brought me as the connecting piece for these 2 people. I set up an appointment with Jen, the Occupational Therapist and then told the parents.

Last Wednesday I made the hour drive out to Peredo. Fondla and her parents were waiting at the church for their ride. We made the hour drive back and entered the hospital for Fondla's appointment. A lot of buildings fell or were damaged at the hospital in Jacmel so the Therapists are set up outside in a tent. Jen came out and greeted us and met Fondla and her parents.

She was excited at the potential Fondla has and spent an entire hour teaching the parents how to do therapy with her at home to help her meet developmental milestones she has already missed. Jen was confident Fondla will catch up and her parents were encouraged to hear that she has the capibility of walking one day.
I sent the parents with money for a tap tap (taxi to ride home) and a little food. They were so grateful for everything and kept saying, "Mesi Miss Ginny." I reminded them that God provided the means for me to meet them and the Occupational Therapist and He provided Haitian Christian Outreach with a vehicle for me to use to help people in the
community. I told them Miss Ginny could not do this on her own. I asked them to thank God and tell others what the Lord has done for their family. Thank you too for being a part of helping the people here. Without your prayers and financial support, we would not be able to help kids like Fondla.
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