When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. -Galatians 6:10a (NCV)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog update Friday

Blog update-Friday
The street the new Haitian Christian Outreach house is on in Jacmel doesn’t have a street sign and I have no idea what the name of it is. I have got lost several times trying to find the house I live in! If you could see the dirt streets and how they all look the same you would understand. But I am learning how to navigate and make do with no street signs or traffic rules. My prayer everytime I leave the driveway is 1-Lord please don’t let me run over anybody and 2-when ( NOT IF, but when) I breakdown please send an Angel to watch over me.
I have come up with a name I think is appropriate for this street. Butcher Alley. Nearly everyday some animal is slaughtered right outside the gate to the house. The first day I noticed it was 2 goats. I didn’t hear anything but saw them being skinned and then chopping them up to be sold in the market. The next day was a pig. I am not sure how they killed the pig but the poor thing screamed outside for about 10 minutes before it died. I didn’t have the stomach to go see how they were killing it but I am thinking there has to be a quicker, more humane way. Makes me rethink my craving for porkchops. It is like the entertainment on this street. The kids who are not in school come over to watch and people walking past stop to watch for a while. They have even knocked on the gate asking if I would like to buy some meat. But I am not ready for that yet-I am tough but that’s pushing it. I like buying my meat out of the frozen food section at Krogers. And I don’t want to know what it sounded like before it died! Sick!

blog from Wednesday

Blog update-Wednesday
This is the end of week 3 of being back in Haiti. The first week I worked with a medical/construction team with people from Illinois and Ohio. Some of them were from my home church and I was excited to have them come and experience Haiti for themselves. I am praying they went home and got others fired up and ready to come serve in Haiti also. We held medical clinics in the villages of Peredo and Kapotier. The days were long and hot but productive. One day we treated over 200 people and 2 of the days had to turn people away that we did not have time to see or ran out of medication for. This area of Haiti will greatly profit from the new clinic in Peredo. They have started construction and it looks great. It is going to be nice and big and the people in the area are so happy to see it being built. Paster Gerard (Roro’s brother) worked with us and he prayed with the people one morning before clinic opened and asked God to hear their prayers and need for medical care in their area. There were several amen’s to this! I have had several Haitians tell me since then that they are praying for the completion of the clinic. Please join us in praying for this ministry tool that will greatly help the people in this community and open doors to sharing the gospel to those who will not come into the church to hear it.
My dad came down with the team and stayed last week with me here in the newly rented Haitian Christian Outreach house! I was so happy to see this house when I got to Haiti. It is nice and roomy for teams too. There is plenty of work though to do in getting in up and running successfully. Dad and I worked (well he mostly worked and I cooked and cleaned) last week getting the place situated. I do not have a vehicle here so I see if one if available to use from HCO-last week there was not and we needed to go to town to buy supplies. My neighbor here is a Christian and told me he was out of work so if I needed anything to come on over. I went over and asked if he would drive us into town and buy supplies. He was happy to –we didn’t find everything we needed but this is Haiti so you get what you get. My dad experienced some of downtown Jacmel and bargaining with the vendors in town. Dad worked on the house as best as he could with limited supplies and did a great job. I was sad to see him go on Saturday but looking forward to a break in working on the house.
But the break never came! This week Roro went back to the states and left me one of the trucks. I took advantage of that and Alex (the hired man to come work at the house everyday) and I went into town to buy supplies. I didn’t realize Alex can’t drive so I did the driving and would wait in the truck while he went and bargained for our purchases. It funny how the price is much higher when I white person is standing there. So until I know the prices of things so I don’t get ripped off, I’ll send Alex. Alex did say he was embarrassed for a woman to be driving him around. It’s funny how things are so different culturally. I told him if he was that embarrassed he was more than welcome to walk and I would see him at the house! He hasn’t learned my sense of humor yet. Oh but he will!
God answered a huge prayer of mine last night. An electrician came yesterday afternoon and installed our batteries and inverter so now we can have electricity all the time! Before the house had electricity about 8 hours a day. They turn off the electricity in town around midnight to 2 am and then the fans go off and the house temperature rises significantly. It hard to sleep when you are sliding off your air mattress from all the sweat. Now when the electricity goes off I go downstairs, flip some switches and the house runs on battery power. I am now praying I do not electrocute myself doing this as I am half asleep at 2am! But what a great night’s sleep with fans all night!
Thank you all for the emails of encouragement and news from back home. No TV or internet at the house makes things pretty quiet in the evenings. I am not brave enough to drive at night yet b/c the truck I am using is known for breaking down and getting flat tires all the time. Had a flat today. I am going to a hotel to use the internet right now so please be patient with internet updates-things are easy here as they are in the states. But things are coming together slowly but surely-all the thanks and glory to God!